Youth Leadership Team

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38
Youth Ministry in the Diocese of Bunbury has seen incredible growth over the last four years. Essential to this growth is committed, passionate and effective Youth Leaders. Growth is a sign of a living, loving and good community and ministry. As our ministry and community grows so must the way in which we minster and our leaders with it.
Moving forward we want to continue forming and growing competent Youth Leaders and give young people real power and ownership over ministry to and for young people.
The Youth Leadership Team (YLT) gives a chance for ongoing training, formation and mentorship for Youth Leaders and Volunteers throughout the year. YLT is our way of supporting and encouraging leaders and helping them continually increase their leadership and ministry skills. It allows for our Youth Leaders to form a strong Catholic community focused on mutual support, fellowship, love and ministry. Finally it gives young people of the Diocese real power and responsibility over Youth Ministry. These three elements together will bear many fruits in the Diocese and our parishes.