Timeline: 2000-2010
2005 – 2011 Planning and construction of the new St Patricks Cathedral
May 16th 2005 A tornado tore through Bunbury, devastating the city and shifting the Cathedral on its foundations.
June 26-29th, 2002 National RCIA Conference with Bunbury Team Members participating
February 24th, 2002 Ordination to the Diaconate of Rev Gayan Thamel at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Bunbury, by Bishop Healey
December 3rd, 2001 Ordination to the priesthood of Fr Nishan de Saram and Fr. Suranga Amaratunga in St Patrick’s Cathedral by Bishop G. Holohan
November 25th, 2001 Solemn dedication and blessing of Sacred Heart Church, Pemberton
2001 Diocesan choir launch of CD of songs and motets
December 21st, 2000 Announcement at Bishop Quinn’s Golden Jubilee of priestly ordination that Rome had accepted his resignation as Ordinary and appointed him Bishop Administrator
September 5th, 2000 Episcopal Ordination of Most Rev. Gerard Joseph Holohan and installation as Fourth Bishop of Bunbury at Bunbury Catholic College and reception at South West Italian Club
May 30th, 2000 Ordination for Fr Lucius Roy Pereira at Holy Family Church by Bishop P. Quinn
May 15th, 2000 Ordination to the diaconate of Nishan de Saram and Suranga Amaratunga in St Patrick’s Cathedral by Bishop Quinn, Apostolic Administrator