I am most grateful to all who participated in the first two consultations for our 2019 Diocesan Synod. The response has been well beyond expectations.

Many obviously took considerable time to consider what they wanted to say.  I am grateful to everyone who took the trouble to send the Synod Commission their ideas and suggestions.

Topics prioritised

The responses will now be broken into topics. Parish Pastoral Councils will then be asked to prioritise these and the result will provide the basis for deciding on the actual 2019 Synod theme.

The next steps

The next two steps in a few weeks will be the announcement of the Synod theme and the nomination of Parish delegates to the Synod.

Diocesan synods are gatherings with the Bishop. Their purpose is to discern with him the direction the Lord wants a Diocese to follow. Topics discussed relate to areas of the Bishop’s authority.

As explained earlier, all consultation responses will be forwarded to the Plenary Council planning group once Diocesan topics have been drawn out.

While the current Diocesan consultation has finished, parishioners can continue to suggest issues for the Plenary Council. Details about how to do so can be found at www.plenarycouncil.catholic.org.au.


God bless you all

Bishop Gerard