Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
It is with great joy that I share with you the news that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has appointed Father George Kolodziej SDS as the next Bishop of Sunbury. Father George is presently the local Congregational leader of the Salvatorian community (Society of the Divine Saviour) in Australia. He is also the chaplain for Catholic Education WA, based at Leederville, and a member of the Council for Catholic Religious Australia (CRA).
The Salvatorians in Australia form part of the Polish Province of their Congregation. The first Salvatorians, originally from the British Province, came to Perth at the invitation of Archbishop Prendiville in 1961. Responsibility for the Salvatorian mission in Australia passed formally to the Polish province in 1987. Salvatorians now undertake pastoral care in a number of parishes in Perth and in country areas of Western Australia, including Esperance. Since 1999, they have also had a significant presence in the Broken Bay diocese in New South Wales.
Father (now bishop-elect) Kolodziej, who has spent his priestly life in Australia and knows the West very well, has post-graduate qualifications in Theology and in Psychotherapy/Counselling. He has had a number of parish appointments in both the Archdiocese of Perth and the Diocese of Broken Bay. He presently resides in the community residence of the Salvatorian headquarters in Perth.
The new bishop-elect will bring a wealth of experience and the richness of his Salvatorian spirituality to the new mission in the Church to which the Lord has called him. I know you will join me in welcoming him to the diocese, in praying for him as he contemplates this new and unexpected call from the Lord, and in supporting him in every way possible.
A precise date for the solemn ordination and installation of Bishop-elect Kolodziej, which will take place in March, will be announced as soon as possible. In the meantime, I would ask you to support your new bishop-elect with your prayers as he prepares to undertake this new mission.
Archbishop Tim Costelloe SOB
Apostolic Administrator
Diocese of Sunbury