Message from the Apolistic Administrator
Catholic Diocese of Bunbury welcomes you. This website serves as a means of communication for our parishes, scattered across the South-Western portion of the State of Western Australia.
Ours is one of the most rapidly growing dioceses in the country. It includes some of the most rapidly increasing population centres in Australia.
We hope this website will be of service to all outside the Diocese who seek to learn something of our Catholic life.
Latest News & Events
Significance of the Cathedral
St Patrick’s Cathedral is a significant building for the parish, for the Catholic Diocese of Bunbury, for the City of Bunbury, and for the communities of the southern portion of Western Australia. For the parish, it is a place of […]
St Joseph’s Parish, Manjimup New Portico
In the last Grapevine we published a picture of the new portico in progress. We are delighted to present our “new look” church. Originally built 60 years ago the small portico didn’t protect our parishioners from the cold Manjimup wind […]
Confirmation at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Esperance
Bishop Holohan confirmed twelve young people at Our Lady Star of the Sea, Esperance on Sunday 29 May. The twelve young people, Caitlin Brown, Jordan Cole, Grace Davey, Tayla Docherty, Sean Fowler, Shelby Kennedy, Cassandra Louise A Libo-on, Henry Meiklejohn, […]
Fourteen Students Received Jesus in Holy Communion at Immaculate Conception Parish, Dardanup
On Sunday 29 May, fourteen students in our Parish received Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time. After Mass, they cut the celebration cake with Fr Wayne. The week before, in preparation, the students joined in a shared family […]
Lauren Hester and Rosie Guazzelli-Page First Holy Communion at St Mary’s Parish, Boyup Brook
On Sunday 29 May, Lauren Hester and Rosie Guazzelli-Page received the Sacrament of the First Eucharist. Fr Wally made the receiving of this sacrament extra special through his thoughtful words and prayers. It was lovely to have the support of […]
Pilgrimage of Mercy at Assumption Parish, Mandurah
On 22nd May 2016 during the family Mass, Fr Tony Chiera, our Vicar General officially opened the Door of Mercy of Our Lady’s Assumption Church Mandurah as a Pilgrim Centre for the Jubilee Year of Mercy 2016. Participating in the […]
Did you know...
Parishes serving
Catholics across the Diocese
Saint Vincent de Paul conferences helping
people across the region each year
Hospital beds where
people receive medical services every year
schools educating
students across the diocese