Message from the Apolistic Administrator
Catholic Diocese of Bunbury welcomes you. This website serves as a means of communication for our parishes, scattered across the South-Western portion of the State of Western Australia.
Ours is one of the most rapidly growing dioceses in the country. It includes some of the most rapidly increasing population centres in Australia.
We hope this website will be of service to all outside the Diocese who seek to learn something of our Catholic life.
Latest News & Events
Knights Dinner Achieves Another Milestone
‘Just as the risk of wrongful death is why we no longer have capital punishment in Australia, the same risk also applies to the Euthanasia legislation; there’s no turning back!’, stated Hon. Nick Goiran MLC BCom LLB during his address […]
Bishop Holohan on an Ad Limina visit meets with Pope Francis
Bishop Holohan along with almost 40 bishops spent more than two hours with the Pope on 24 June as part of what is meant to be a five-yearly Ad Limina Apostolorum visit (translated as ‘To the Threshold of the Apostles’).
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ The Bunbury Diocese faces many challenges to its mission today, as does the Catholic Church in Australia. Our task is to proclaim Christ and his teachings in an increasingly atheistic society. Following the practice […]
Cardinal Pell Pastoral Letter
Dear Parishioners and Parents of Students in Catholic Schools What a distressing week it has been after we all heard of the guilty verdict against Cardinal George Pell. I cannot remember such a national media frenzy since the guilty verdict […]
Diocesan Synod Final Round of Consultation
I would like to thank all who responded during the Consultation regarding the theme for our 2019 Synod. People’s responses came in many forms and were grouped into topics by members of the Synod Commission. In turn, Parish Pastoral Councils […]
Who owns what in the Bunbury Diocese?
Dear Parishioners People have been asking me about possible implications for parishes and Catholic schools of legislation passed earlier this year related to payments to survivors of abuse. I have tried to answer their questions in a Pastoral Letter entitled […]
Did you know...
Parishes serving
Catholics across the Diocese
Saint Vincent de Paul conferences helping
people across the region each year
Hospital beds where
people receive medical services every year
schools educating
students across the diocese