Message from the Apolistic Administrator
Catholic Diocese of Bunbury welcomes you. This website serves as a means of communication for our parishes, scattered across the South-Western portion of the State of Western Australia.
Ours is one of the most rapidly growing dioceses in the country. It includes some of the most rapidly increasing population centres in Australia.
We hope this website will be of service to all outside the Diocese who seek to learn something of our Catholic life.
Latest News & Events
Executive Director, Catholic Education Western Australia Limited
Dear brothers in the ordained ministry, sisters and brothers in Christ, We write to each of you across the four dioceses of Western Australia to share with you that Dr Debra Sayce, Executive Director, Catholic Education Western Australia Ltd, […]
WALKING TOGETHER – Archbishop Weekly Thoughts for Reflection from the Synod BUNBURY
Thursday 5 October, 2023 Dear Brothers and Sisters, As I write this letter to you, the members of the Synod on Synodality are coming to the end of our three-day retreat. We are staying in a beautiful Retreat Centre about […]
WALKING TOGETHER – Archbishop Weekly Thoughts for Reflection from the Synod BUNBURY
Sunday, 24 September 2023 Dear Brothers and Sisters,As I write this message, I am on my way to Rome to take part in the Synod of Bishops. According to the“moving map” on the screen in front of me, we are […]
Pastoral Letter from The Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB DD Apostolic Administrator
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil 1:2) I hope you will forgive me for the formal greeting which opens this letter, but I wanted to […]
Message from the Bishop
Let us love both mother and unborn child
Dear Brothers and Sisters,Legislation was introduced into the Western Australian parliament this last week to make access to abortion easier. The aim is to facilitate the abortion of more unborn human beings than current legislation permits to be killed in […]
Did you know...
Parishes serving
Catholics across the Diocese
Saint Vincent de Paul conferences helping
people across the region each year
Hospital beds where
people receive medical services every year
schools educating
students across the diocese