My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is with great joy that I write to you following the announcement that the Holy Father, Pope Francis has entrusted the Diocese of Bunbury to my pastoral care as Bishop. Firstly, may I extend to each of you, a brotherly sign of peace and humbly ask for your prayers, as I prepare for my episcopal ordination in St Patrick’s Cathedral on 19 March 2025.
As I commence this new chapter in my priestly ministry, it is a grace-filled opportunity to reflect on my life’s journey in the light of God’s Word. Through the unwavering source of strength and guidance that the Lord has bestowed upon me, I have felt that wondrous calling from God to be a pilgrim of hope. “Go forth from your land, your relatives, and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you” (Gen 12:1). Embracing God’s will, with faith, trust and fortitude has led me to the profound joy of witnessing His vast works — and God’s calling in my life, and in the lives of all whom I have encountered in my thirty years of priestly ministry.
As I write to you today, I am deeply and humbly aware that it is God Himself who is calling me to serve you as your bishop. Through the lens of faith, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I am reminded of the humble and trusting response from our Blessed Mother: “Here I am” (Luke 1:38). Yielding to God’s will transforms longing into gratitude and fear into awe — opening us to grace and intention. In His infinite wisdom, God has a sacred plan for each one of us to uphold our place in the vineyard of the Lord.
It is my hope that the Church in this beautiful region of Bunbury will become ever more joyful, welcoming, inclusive, and missionary — bringing the hope and Good News of Jesus Christ to all, rejoicing in the Lord always. It is in this spirit, that I begin my ministry as your shepherd.
In this holy Jubilee Year, may we unite as Pilgrims of Hope, one in the Body of Christ, to rejoice in the love and goodness of our Saviour to transform lives, and draw endless hearts into deeper relationship with Jesus. Together, may we stand with courage and strength to joyfully bring the light of the Gospel, with renewed enthusiasm, zeal and steadfast perseverance to all whom we encounter, both in our local church and beyond.
Please be assured of my prayers for you.
Yours in Christ,
Bishop-Elect of Bunbury