Past and present students, staff, clergy, parents and community members recently celebrated the 20th anniversary of Our Lady of the Cape Primary School in Dunsborough. In a Mass that was concelebrated by current Parish Priest Fr Ian Johnson and former Associate Priest Fr Wayne Bendotti, the spirit of co-operation, pursuit of excellence, uniqueness and zest for life that has been a hallmark of the school was honoured, and the continued growth of the school celebrated.

A special emphasis was placed on the new school values of Compassion, Appreciation, Respect and Excellence (CARE). Mass was followed by a shared morning tea and birthday cake to commemorate the occasion.

20th Anniversary of Our Lady of the Cape Primary School in Dunsborough

Representing the youngest and oldest students in the school, Xavier Hayhow and Sophia Prestipino

20th Anniversary of Our Lady of the Cape Primary School in Dunsborough

Back L-R Current Students Zac Beers, Lyndon Pritchard, Principal of OLC Mr Des Wilkie, Principal of St Mary MacKillop College Mr Chris Wallace, 
Fr Ian Johnson, Molly Greaves, Polly Higgins
Front L-R: Former students Lahni Dallimore, Grace Carroll, Jack Dollinson & Ashley Spencer