St Patrick’s Cathedral Artwork
Robert Juniper was commissioned by Bishop Gerard Holohan, to design the stained glass windows for the new Cathedral There are 14 windows each seven metres high as well as two Rose windows. He was also commissioned to design the Tapestry, depicting the Ascension, which is hanging behind the Bishop’s chair.
The Windows
The 14 large windows along the North and South walls of the Cathedral depict scenes from the bible and were painted by Australian artist, Robert Juniper. The original paintings were photographed with a digital camera, enlarged and laminated between two sheets of glass. The process is called ‘digiglass’, and is named after the Melbourne company who invented it.
The 7 Northern windows are scenes from the old testament of the Bible, and the 7 Southern windows depict images from the new testament. The windows, starting in the North Western corner of the Cathedral, depict the following:
- 1. Creation of the world – God saw all he had made – and indeed it was good. Genesis 1:31
- 2. The Fall – the promise of salvation – The foreshadowing of the Gospel – I shall put enmity between her offspring and yours. Genesis 3:5
- 3. The Covenant with humanity through Noah – The bow is in the clouds– I shall see it – and call to mind the covenant between God and every living creature on earth.. Genesis 9:16
- 4. The Covenant with Abraham – Look at the sky and count the stars if you can – Just so will your descendants be. Genesis 9:16
- 5. Covenant with Israel – We shall do everything that God has said: we shall obey. This is the blood of the covenant which God has made with you, entailing these stipulations. Exodus 24:7-8
- 6. Isaiah challenges the unfaithful Ahaz – The Lord will give you a sign... the virgin is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel (God is with us). Isaiah 7:14
- 7. The call of the virgin Mary – Rejoice, you have won favour – you are to conceive and bear a son and you must name him Jesus. Luke 1:31-32
- 8. Visit of the wise men – The sight of the star filled them with delights – they saw the child and did him homage they offered gold, frankincense and myrrh. Luke 2:11
- 9. Baptism of Jesus – He saw he heavens torn apart and the spirit, like a dove, descending on him. A voice from heaven said: You are my Beloved. Mark 1:11
- 0. Jesus proclaims the kingdom of heaven – Jesus proclaimed the gospel from God: the kingdom of heaven is close at hand – Repent and believe the Gospel. Mark 1:15
- 11. Jesus institutes the new covenant – This is my body, which will be given up for you. This is the cup of my blood the blood of the new and everlasting covenant.. Luke 22:19-20
- 12.Jesus dies on the cross – No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
- 13. The empty tomb – They found the stone had been rolled away The angel said: “Why look among the dead for someone who is alive. Luke 24:5
- 14. Apostles filled with the spirit – Suddenly there came a sound of violent wind which filled the entire house there appeared to them tongues of fire they were filled with the holy spirit . Acts 2:2-4