Message from the Apolistic Administrator
Catholic Diocese of Bunbury welcomes you. This website serves as a means of communication for our parishes, scattered across the South-Western portion of the State of Western Australia.
Ours is one of the most rapidly growing dioceses in the country. It includes some of the most rapidly increasing population centres in Australia.
We hope this website will be of service to all outside the Diocese who seek to learn something of our Catholic life.
Latest News & Events
Busselton Parish celebrates NAIDOC Week
The Parish Liturgy Committee recently organised a special Mass to celebrate NAIDOC Week. Thank you to Robyn Cartell, who teaches at Busselton High School, for approaching some Wardandi Elders who work at the School to invite them, and others to […]
Philippine Independence Day celebrations
St Patrick’s Katanning parishioners joined the Filipino community in celebrating their Independence Day on Sunday June 12th 2016. The day began with Holy Mass at 10.30am and was followed by lunch, entertainment, presentation of Philippine history and origins, travel, and […]
Statement from Bishop Gerard Holohan
A strategic partnership has been entered into between the Bunbury CDF and the CDF partnership of the Archdiocese of Melbourne and Diocese of Sale. The partnership will deliver improved outcomes that will enhance the mission of the Church in this […]
CatholicCare – Apostleship of the Sea, Albany
Last year CatholicCare was very pleased to be able to provide a distribution of funds to the Albany Apostleship of the Sea. This significant donation, together with other donations from the Australian Mariners Welfare Society and the Australian Apostleship of […]
Year of Mercy at Leschenault Catholic Primary School, Australind
The Parish of Christ the Living Vine celebrated The Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians in a very special way for the Year of Mercy. The parishioners joined the children from Leschenault Catholic Primary School who led the community […]
Cathedral Precinct
At the heart of the Catholic Diocese is its Cathedral Church and the Cathedral Precinct – the arms and legs that will ultimately fulfill the Diocesan mission of liturgy, education and service. This precinct is made up of several components […]
Did you know...
Parishes serving
Catholics across the Diocese
Saint Vincent de Paul conferences helping
people across the region each year
Hospital beds where
people receive medical services every year
schools educating
students across the diocese