Message from the Apolistic Administrator
Catholic Diocese of Bunbury welcomes you. This website serves as a means of communication for our parishes, scattered across the South-Western portion of the State of Western Australia.
Ours is one of the most rapidly growing dioceses in the country. It includes some of the most rapidly increasing population centres in Australia.
We hope this website will be of service to all outside the Diocese who seek to learn something of our Catholic life.
Latest News & Events
Supporting Our Youth Delegates who will be Attending the World Youth Day in Poland
To give support to our youth delegates who will be attending the World Youth Day in Poland, the Holy Family Youth Ministry – Albany, organised a “QUIZ NIGHT” in May at the ‘Stirling Club’. This event was attended by more […]
ANZAC Day Commemoration Mass at St Damien of Molokai Parish, Dawesville
A short video of Lee Kernaghan’s ‘Spirit of the ANZACS’ followed by an invitation to attend the ANZAC Mass, was presented to Parishioners at weekend Masses preceding ANZAC Day. Numbers jumped from 44 last year to 77 this year! A […]
Celebrating the Year of Mercy at Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish, Dunsborough
To celebrate the Year of Mercy our Parish formed a committee of eight parishioners to create a visual art piece so that, along with words, there would be a visual expression of the central point of the Year of Mercy. […]
Helping Young People to Recognise and Understand Christ’s Presence in their Lives
What an awesome, active and exciting few months its been for young people in our Diocese! From the 15th-17th of April we had the Revamped Autumn Camp! Young people from across the Diocese gathered with great music, inspiring speakers and […]
Father Robert Celebrated his 50th Birthday at St Joseph’s Parish, Manjimup
On the 5th April 2016 Father Robert celebrated his 50th birthday. The parish couldn’t let this occasion go by without a celebration and gathered in the parish hall. A bring and share lunch, delicious cake and rousing chorus of Happy […]
Shared Lunch at St Damien of Molokai Parish, Dawesville
St Damien’s Sunday Lunch for Parishioners, Seniors, and those who have no-one to join for lunch is held a couple of times during the term, with two or three students from Mandurah Catholic College, joining Sorina McKay or another member […]
Did you know...
Parishes serving
Catholics across the Diocese
Saint Vincent de Paul conferences helping
people across the region each year
Hospital beds where
people receive medical services every year
schools educating
students across the diocese