Pastoral Letters
Forth Sunday in Lent 2020
MAKING SENSE OF DIFFICULT TIMES- Homilies for a Time of Pandemic –* Fourth Sunday of Lent *To say that these are unsettling times is something of an understatement. In a country that seemed so secure, […]
Fifth Sunday of Lent 2020
MAKING SENSE OF DIFFICULT TIMES- Homilies for a Time of Pandemic – The quality of our lives is a common preoccupation of human beings. People look for happiness and keep modifying their daily lives in ways […]
Launch of the Safeguarding Program and call for Safeguarding Officers

To the people of the Bunbury Diocese I wish to repeat again my most sincere apology of Christmas 2015 to all those who have suffered the horrors of child abuse within the Church, particularly in […]
Let us Share Our Lives with the Lord
Nothing in life compares with personal experiences of Christ. He is our Lord and Saviour. [1] Believers have suffered persecution, torture and death rather than risk losing these experiences. The gospels give numerous examples of […]
Who owns what in the Bunbury Diocese?
Dear Parishioners People have been asking me about possible implications for parishes and Catholic schools of legislation passed earlier this year related to payments to survivors of abuse. I have tried to answer their questions […]
Cardinal Pell Pastoral Letter
Dear Parishioners and Parents of Students in Catholic Schools What a distressing week it has been after we all heard of the guilty verdict against Cardinal George Pell. I cannot remember such a national media […]

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ The Bunbury Diocese faces many challenges to its mission today, as does the Catholic Church in Australia. Our task is to proclaim Christ and his teachings in an increasingly […]
Bishop Gerard’s Pastoral Letter on Euthanasia
Dear Brothers and Sisters in ChristDuring this past week, the lower house of the Western Australian Parliament, the Legislative Assembly, voted to pass the draft legislation which would legalise euthanasia in our State. The draft […]