ADVENT PASTORAL LETTER How close is my personal relationship with Jesus?
Pastoral Letters
Let the Eucharist Change Us
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ In April last year, Pope John Paul II launched a world-wide renewal of Catholic belief and practices in the Eucharist. He published an Encyclical letter to all Catholics, Ecclesia […]
Let Us Protect Parents’ Rights
I write to you again about the protection of our young people from internet porn intruding into their homes against their parents’ wishes. Currently, there is a battle between the Commonwealth Government and most pornographic […]
Marriage law needs to reflect reality
Currently there is to be a plebiscite about whether the Commonwealth Parliament should deny in law that marriage between a man and a woman is a distinctive relationship needing a distinctive name. The proposal is to apply the word ‘marriage’ also to relationships between same sex couples. However, while Parliament has the power to pass such a law, it has no power to change the reality
Are We Experiencing God’s Mercy?

The mercy of God can be a nice idea that leaves us with warm feelings. However, to be more than an idea, we need actually to be having experiences of God’s mercy. For the Old […]
Royal Commission Hearing #50
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I write to you as the final hearing involving the Catholic Church at the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse commences on February 6, 2017. For the victims and […]
Statement regarding royal commission findings February 10th 2017
My dear people Who could not be shocked, horrified and disgusted to learn this past week of the scale of allegations of child abuse against priests, made by survivors who came forward to the Royal […]
Why is Marriage between a man and a woman different?
For Catholics, marriage between a man and a woman is different from any other relationship. Therefore, the word ‘marriage’ should not be used for any other relationship. The reasons for saying that marriage is a […]
An open letter to Parishioners and Parents of Catholic school students
Dear Parishioners and Parents of Catholic school students I am writing this letter because I am concerned about some confusion in relation to possible consequences for Catholic schools of a YES vote in the current […]
Love for our gay brothers and sisters
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Sadly, in the recent debate about gay marriage, many gay people – along with their parents, family members and friends – have been hurt by what they have been […]