The introduction of Middle Schooling in our schools is raising questions about when the Sacrament of Confirmation should be celebrated. To date, this sacrament has been conferred in Year Seven. We now have an opportunity […]
Pastoral Letters
Preparing to experience Christ through the Mass
Over the past two thousand years, the Mass has been the most powerful means of drawing upon the power of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the needs of people’s lives. The greatest means […]
How close is my personal relationship with Jesus?
ADVENT PASTORAL LETTER How close is my personal relationship with Jesus?
Let the Eucharist Change Us
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ In April last year, Pope John Paul II launched a world-wide renewal of Catholic belief and practices in the Eucharist. He published an Encyclical letter to all Catholics, Ecclesia […]
Let Us Protect Parents’ Rights
I write to you again about the protection of our young people from internet porn intruding into their homes against their parents’ wishes. Currently, there is a battle between the Commonwealth Government and most pornographic […]
Marriage law needs to reflect reality
Currently there is to be a plebiscite about whether the Commonwealth Parliament should deny in law that marriage between a man and a woman is a distinctive relationship needing a distinctive name. The proposal is to apply the word ‘marriage’ also to relationships between same sex couples. However, while Parliament has the power to pass such a law, it has no power to change the reality
Pastoral statement on the need to care for abused victims
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ We have all been shocked and appalled by revelations over the last week to the Royal Commission Inquiry into the responses of Australian institutions to child sex abuse. We […]
The Vocation and Mission of the family in the Church and contemporary world Lineamenta
The Vatican has given Catholics around the world the opportunity to comment on the Lineamenta (or working document ) for the second Session of the Synod on marriage and the family in the context of […]
Pastoral Letter for those facing martyrdom
Brothers and Sisters in Christ This letter is to ask every Catholic in the Bunbury Diocese to consider praying for our Christian brothers and sisters facing martyrdom at present around the world. Pope St John […]
Pastoral Letter 2015 – Let us reflect on our common home.
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has written a new encyclical about the environment, our common home with all other human beings and creatures, entitled ‘Praise be to you, Lord’. The Pope is calling for a […]