MAKING SENSE OF DIFFICULT TIMES- Homilies for a Time of Pandemic –* Christ empowers Christian love * One of the consequences of the regulations we now have to protect as many as possible from the coronavirus […]
Occasional Homilies
Good Friday 2020
MAKING SENSE OF DIFFICULT TIMES- Homilies for a Time of Pandemic –‘I know that my Redeemer Lives’ Today, we celebrate Jesus taking the path he foretold he must take for the triumph of his Resurrection, namely […]
Easter Vigil 2020
MAKING SENSE OF DIFFICULT TIMES – Homilies for a Time of Pandemic – There are different understandings these days of what it means to be a Christian. Many, for example, mistakenly think of Christianity […]
Second Sunday of Easter 2020
Third Sunday of Easter 2020
– Reflections for a Time of Pandemic – *Do we Seek the Power of the Risen Jesus for Our Lives?* Daily life throws up many worries and challenges. These come from married and family […]
Fifth Sunday of Easter 2020
– Reflections for a Time of Pandemic – Do We Seek Christ in Times of Loneliness? We are hearing of surveys which show there has been a rapid increase in loneliness and anxiety in […]