Occasional Homilies
Forth Sunday in Lent 2020
MAKING SENSE OF DIFFICULT TIMES- Homilies for a Time of Pandemic –* Fourth Sunday of Lent *To say that these are unsettling times is something of an understatement. In a country that seemed so secure, […]
Fifth Sunday of Lent 2020
MAKING SENSE OF DIFFICULT TIMES- Homilies for a Time of Pandemic – The quality of our lives is a common preoccupation of human beings. People look for happiness and keep modifying their daily lives in ways […]
Forth Sunday of Easter 2020
Reflections for a Time of PandemicDo We Let Christ Love Us? A basic belief of our faith is the indescribable experience of being loved personally by the Risen Jesus. As long as we are experiencing this, we […]
Seventh Sunday of Easter 2020
Reflections for a Time of PandemicAm I truly at peace within? I doubt that anyone could claim these days that over recent decades, there has not been a decline both in religious practice, and a decline […]
Trinity Sunday 2020
– Reflections for a Time of Pandemic – Trinity Sunday * ‘When Am I Truly Human?’ * Our enforced life style changes over nearly three months have caused many to pause, to be less […]
Pentecost Sunday 2020
– Reflections for a Time of Pandemic – * ‘Am I struggling right now without the Holy Spirit?’ * In these uncertain times, people are affected in many ways. Currently, there are programmes such as […]
Feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord
Reflections for a Time of Pandemic‘Do we really need the Eucharist?’Many over the past century have questioned: ‘Why do I need to go to Mass?’ They ask questions such as ‘Can’t I be a good […]
Mass of the Last Supper 2020
MAKING SENSE OF DIFFICULT TIMES- Homilies for a Time of Pandemic –* Christ empowers Christian love * One of the consequences of the regulations we now have to protect as many as possible from the coronavirus […]