Thursday 5 October, 2023 Dear Brothers and Sisters, As I write this letter to you, the members of the Synod on Synodality are coming to the end of our three-day retreat. We are staying in […]
Pastoral Letters
WALKING TOGETHER – Archbishop Weekly Thoughts for Reflection from the Synod BUNBURY
Sunday, 24 September 2023 Dear Brothers and Sisters,As I write this message, I am on my way to Rome to take part in the Synod of Bishops. According to the“moving map” on the screen in […]
Pastoral Letter from The Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB DD Apostolic Administrator

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (Phil 1:2) I hope you will forgive me for the formal greeting which opens this […]
Message from the Bishop

As you will have heard, last Friday night Western Australian time, Pope Francis accepted my resignation as Bishop of Bunbury, which was submitted nearly ten months ago. As parishioners 76 years old or older will appreciate, I have neither the health nor the energy to continue to be responsible for a Diocese that is more than half the size of Victoria.
Let us love both mother and unborn child
Dear Brothers and Sisters,Legislation was introduced into the Western Australian parliament this last week to make access to abortion easier. The aim is to facilitate the abortion of more unborn human beings than current legislation […]
How can we make the mass relevant?
There are many reasons why Catholics say that they have given up going to Mass. The two most consistent seem to be that ‘the Mass is boring’ and ‘the Mass is irrelevant to my life […]
Good Shepherd Sunday Statment – 2005
Today, we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday. In today’s Gospel, we remember the words of Jesus [John 10:11-12]:
Santa Maria Mission Pilgrimage 2004
17 April 2004 We gather for this, the first of our diocesan Golden Jubilee liturgical events, on what is, for us, holy ground – the site of the first mission within the area of the […]
Lenten Pastoral Letter 2004 – Do they recognise us by our Love?
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ This is our Golden Jubilee Year as a diocese, established by Pope Pius XII in November 1954.
Golden Jubilee Mass Homily 2004
A jubilee is a celebration. A Church jubilee is always a celebration of the blessings of God. A diocesan celebration is a celebration of God’s blessings, received through the ministry of Christ, in the parish […]